jueves, 1 de marzo de 2007

one poem

in the east

still keep
keep on following
the roach trade
once and again

think i forgot
the story once mama told
about that silly man in the rain

here are lots of people
walking around
nasal words and me
always quiet in the corner

perhaps it´s important
to take care a little more

something about to happen


11 comentarios:

sol dijo...

un par de dias en London city y se me dio por escribir en ingles... y bue

EmmaPeel dijo...

siga, siga!

Anónimo dijo...

keep going.-

Anónimo dijo...

I'm quite tired of being waiting that "something about to happen", you know. Anyway, it seems to be hard to get off from that fantasy, meanwhile I just read messages. yours, for instance.
It couldn't be wrong. At all.
I have drunk a malbec's bottle by now, and enjoyed myself a lot finding your lines... and recognising the wise of my precious butt.
Cheers, López.

sol dijo...

thanks!! yes, everybody drinks a lot of bears there in London ad, of course, me too. they are quite cheap, in comparison. cigarettes, on the contrary, are imposible..
ok, i will think of another weird english poem to post soon.
Now i am learning catalá... who knows..

sol dijo...

thanks!! yes, everybody drinks a lot of bears there in London and, of course, me too. they are quite cheap, in comparison. cigarettes, on the contrary, are imposible..
ok, i will think of another weird english poem to post soon.
Now i am learning catalá... who knows..

LêA Holubii dijo...

Vull agrair-te el teu comentari en el meu blog, acabo de descobrir el teu i el que he llegit m'ha agradat. Seguire atent. Petons des de Barcelona.

sol dijo...




seras la proxima victoria ocampo?

pd:yo me conformo con ganarme el telekino de gianola


sol dijo...

para Victoria me falta el cashhh y las vaquitas..

Christian Nobile dijo...

Oh dirty little pretty girl...


i gonna see again


just hold my hand baby


and have some more rock and roll


Una cancion punk que se me ocurrio recien. Podria ser de Babyshambles tranquilamente!!


